Timber Frame Wall Insulation | Isover UK

Insulation for Timber Frame Wall


An increasingly popular way of constructing new-build dwellings is to use a timber framed construction rather than traditional masonry cavity wall construction. Building with timber framed construction can offer a number of advantages and benefits over building with a more traditional form of construction, such as lighter weight and a higher speed of construction.

In a timber-framed wall, insulation is typically installed between the studs. This insulation can be glass mineral wool (Isover Timber Frame Roll or Batt can be considered) or PIR.

Depending on U-value requirements, there may be additional insulation required. This can be placed outside the sheathing board (i.e. within the external wall cavity); products such as Isover Polterm Max Plus can be considered.

Key Considerations

When using Isover products, you need to satisfy yourself that use of the product meets all relevant national Building Regulations and guidance as well as local, national and other applicable standards relevant for your construction or application, including requirements in relation to fire and applicable height restrictions. In addition to the product datasheet, please refer to the following product documents:

The building detail is for illustrative purposes only. It does not constitute advice and should not be relied upon.

Insulation products
Product Name Thickness Range Sizes Lambda
Isover Timber Frame Roll 32 90-140mm Width 2 x 0.57m, Length 2.7 - 4.2m 0.032
Isover Timber Frame Roll 40 90-140mm Width 2 x 0.57m, Length 6.5 - 10.13m 0.040
Isover Timber Frame Batt 40 90-140mm Width 570mm, Length 1175mm 0.040
Isover Timber Frame Batt 35 90-150mm Width 570mm, Length 1175mm 0.035
Isover Timber Frame Batt 32 50-140mm Width 570mm, Length 1175mm 0.032
Isover Timber Frame Roll 35 90-140mm Width 2 x 0.57m or 3 x 0.4m (140mm only), Length 4 - 5.3m 0.035
Isover Polterm Max Plus 50-200mm Width 600mm, Length 1200mm See datasheet
Isover Timber Frame Batt 43 90-140mm Width 570mm, Length 1175mm 0.043